Resources: Events


Workplace Law's Events - Reserve your spot in our webinars.

"Bejewelled" - Hosting and surviving work social functions

Many employees are excited about upcoming Christmas parties and end of year functions. However, increasingly complex employment laws and the rise in work-related complaints are causing employers to carefully think about hosting such events.


“Bad Blood” - Adverse Action and Unfair Dismissal

In the wake of challenging economic circumstances and increasing episodes of poor employee behaviour, employers may be required to make difficult, but necessary, decisions in relation to its workforce.


"Soon You'll Get Better" - Managing ill and injured employees

This webinar will guide employers through the tangled web of legislative obligations they face when dealing with an ill or injured employee.


"...Ready for it?" - Casuals and Contractors

Workplace Law's Managing Director and Principal, Athena Koelmeyer, explores two key areas that have undergone significant change over the past few years and will undergo yet another change under these amendments – that is, the changes to casual employment and the new definition of employment.


"You need to calm down" - Managing workplace behaviour

In this webinar, we tackle the challenges faced by employers when it comes to managing workplace behaviour, and discuss a range of interesting issues which can occur in both the traditional and hybrid workplace.


"Champagne Problems" – Hosting and surviving work social functions

Many employees are excited about upcoming Christmas parties and end of year functions. However, increasingly complex employment laws and the rise in work-related complaints are causing employers to carefully think about hosting such events.


Hold the Line! - Restraints & Employment Contracts

Workplace Law's Managing Director, Athena Koelmeyer, will guide you through the legal minefield of post-employment restraints.


(Not So) Fixed Term Contracts

One of the biggest changes to how businesses employ staff relates to the engagement of fixed term employees.


Secure Jobs, Better Pay: 6 June 2023 - key changes for employers on this date

The passing of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Act 2022 (Cth) has resulted in several significant changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). With some of these changes already in force, employers must now turn their minds to 6 June 2023 – the date of which the next wave of amendments will take effect.


Rules of engagement – managing union rights of entry

Following a number of major changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), it is more important than ever for employers to know what to do and say when approached by a union or union official in their workplaces.


Fair Work Act Amendments - Action plan for employers

Following the Federal Government’s recent passage of the Fair Work Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022, it is essential that employers are informed and prepared about the changes due to be made to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), many of which will be in place before the end of the year.


"Dancing with myself" - Hosting and surviving work social functions

After 3 years of working and playing at a distance, or in some cases not at all, there seems to be a ‘spring break’ vibe to the traditional corporate party season this year.


Hybrid Exits: Exiting Employees in the Hybrid Workplace

In the third and final instalment of our employment 'life cycle' webinar series, we explore the challenges faced by employers as they navigate the exiting of employees from the hybrid workplace – whether that be by resignation or dismissal.


Managing Injured Employees - A Guide for Employers

In her usual entertaining and informative style, our Managing Director and Principal, Athena Koelmeyer, will guide employers through the tangled web of legislative obligations they face when dealing with an injured employee.


Hybrid Working: Performance Management and Workplace Behaviour

The second instalment of our 2022 webinar series continues the focus on the employment ‘life cycle’. During the course of this webinar, we will explore the challenges faced by employers when managing the new hybrid workplace.


Hiring in the Hybrid Workplace

The first of our 2022 webinars focused on the employment 'life cycle'. This webinar will cover key legal and HR issues to consider throughout the recruitment process.


Keeping it Casual – Employer obligations and casual employment

Please join our Managing Director and Principal, Athena Koelmeyer, for the next webinar in our 2021 Education Series. In this webinar Athena will safely navigate you through the minefield that is ‘casual employment’


What You Need to Know: The Rise of Adverse Action and Unfair Dismissal Claims

2020 continues to deliver unprecedented challenges to employers as they manage the economic and workplace culture impact of COVID-19. Difficult, but necessary, decisions taken in relation to workforce numbers together with increased poor employee behaviour has seen a dramatic rise in the number of unfair dismissal and adverse action claims.


It Doesn't Matter Where You Work - Managing bullying and harassment in today's workplaces

With many of us, some for the first time, in the midst of working remotely, it's important that employers are vigilant in ensuring their employees behave appropriately at all times regardless of the method of interaction or communication.


Mondayitis and the Workplace Warrior - Managing Illness in the Workplace

The challenges of managing the spread of the coronavirus and the associated absenteeism is an unfortunate but timely reminder for employers to think about how they proactively manage, and respond to, illness at work. To help employers, we are pleased to be hosting our...