Resources: Events


It Doesn't Matter Where You Work - Managing bullying and harassment in today's workplaces

With many of us, some for the first time, in the midst of working remotely, it's important that employers are vigilant in ensuring their employees behave appropriately at all times regardless of the method of interaction or communication.

With many of us, some for the first time, in the midst of working remotely, it's important that employers are vigilant in ensuring their employees behave appropriately at all times regardless of the method of interaction or communication. Employers also need to remind their employees that even though they are working from their own homes, bullying and harassment remain forms of unacceptable workplace conduct and will be managed as if that conduct occurred in their usual workplace.


In this webinar, our Managing Director and Principal, Athena Koelmeyer will discuss:

  • Actual case examples of bullying and harassment, particularly those involving behaviour over email, sms, phone and social media.
  • The importance of applying your code of conduct, policies and standards when it comes to remote working.
  • Appropriate methods of monitoring the behaviour of employees working remotely.
  • The role of HR, Managers and employees in maintaining appropriate workplace behaviour.


The webinar will begin at 11.00 am (AEST) on Wednesday, 29 April 2020.

Not at your desk? No problem, simply download the GoToWebinar app and listen wherever you may be.

This webinar is FREE of charge only to our valued clients and subscribers.


Places are strictly limited so reserve your spot today.

*Please note Workplace Law reserves the right to decline registrations at its discretion.

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