Posts: WHS Act

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The difficulties in balancing privacy and WHS obligations when handling employee personal information

To tell or not to tell

A recent decision of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner has illustrated how difficult it can be for employers to balance their obligations under various workplace laws when managing ill and injured employees.


The dangers of failing to keep WHS systems up to date

In a recent decision involving a forklift fatality, the District Court of New South Wales has cautioned growing businesses of the need to ensure that their WHS systems are adequate for the size of the business and the type of work being performed.


Model WHS Act amended to incorporate review recommendations

In 2010, the model Work Health and Safety Act was endorsed, followed by the model WHS Regulations and model Codes of Practices. Other than Victoria, most Australia State and Territories have now adopted the model WHS laws in their jurisdictions.


PCBU ordered to publicise work health and safety conviction

Bad publicity

When setting a penalty for breaches of work health and safety obligations, the Courts will look at the need for specific deterrence against the offender and also the need for general deterrence for employers and the particular industry.